RUN celebrates their ONE YEAR ANNIVERSARY. It is an honor to share this video.

October 22, 2015 12:22 pm 2 Comments 21

2015 10 20 RUN Anniversary Video FINAL from Gina Szajnuk on Vimeo.

Gina Szajnuk: Thank you to everyone that has shared their journey with RUN this past year. Every single one of you inspires me daily to continue on with RUN.  I have been working on this video for over a month. It makes me cry every single time. You are all so strong, so beautiful and absolutely inspiring.

When I started RUN in the summer of 2014, little did I know how it would change my life for the better and give us a platform to share our journey.

I cannot wait to see what the next year brings for all of us. I pray for answers, for strength and to continue to build our rare and undiagnosed family.

Together, we can make a difference in the world of the unknown.

It truly is an honor to know each and every single one of you.

Much love,


PS: RUN has yet to solicit for funds.  Look at everything we did without funding!  Just imagine what we could do together if we  did have funding!?!