-Cannot breathe through his nose (since Dec, 2011)
-Tires after a short amount of activity
-Does not want to do much activity. We need to encourage him to be active
-Sensitive to noise
-Falls asleep when he gets overwhelmed – examples are the circus and the planetarium
-Dark circles under his eyes & pale
-Lips are often dry/cracked – bleed
-Stomach hurts daily – usually after he eats a meal
-Falls asleep when he eats meals
-Stomach bloated – mostly at night
-Rash on his butt – red
-Bruises easily
-Easy Satiety
-Very emotional
-Lips get bright red starting early evening
-Ears get bright red starting early evening
-Hands – especially the finger tips – bright red starting early evening
-The bottoms of his feet get red as well
-Night sweats
(Since December, 2011)
-Joint Pain – Knees hurt, wrist hurts
-He mentioned that his cheek hurts.
-He mentioned pain under his armpits
-Dry, itchy skin. Eczema on the back of his legs
-Mentions that his “Spiders are crawling on his legs”. “Spiders in my ears”
– Last summer, Mosquito bites swell up to huge balls