Insurance company approves exome sequencing only for Ava. Denied Oskar and Lucy.
Our insurance company approved the exome sequencing only for Ava. This is a wonderful step forward for Ava. However, Oskar and Lucy need it as well.
We also need to push for whole genome sequencing for our family.
Vision: We plan to accomplish this vision by:
- Convene experts to define measurable criteria for a diagnostic odyssey (x number of visits to y categories of specialists without reaching a diagnosis).
- Build awareness of diagnostic odysseys through sharing personal accounts representing genetic, metabolic and complex environmentally triggered conditions
- Educate general practitioners about genomic testing as a resource to circumvent diagnostic odysseys
- Advocate that genomic testing become Standard of Care for patients who meet the criteria of a diagnostic odyssey. This will be the most effective path toward addressing the reimbursement concerns.