Brittany Stangley: “We were given this life for a reason.”

September 27, 2015 6:42 am 1 Comment 10

Hello everyone.. my name is Brittany. I am 24 years old, married, have one child and I am currently living undiagnosed.. I wasn’t born this way, as far as I can remember I was a healthy young girl, loving life. It wasn’t until double digits we started noticing something just wasn’t right… here I sit 12 years later still with no answers and no clue as to what is to come. I try to live everyday like normal, it is hard but manageable. I cherish the days I have and embrace the moments I get with the little miracle I have, my son. I’ve accepted the fact that I will probably always be like this, treating the symptoms, not the problem..

As a healthy young child, you always envision growing up and doing anything you want, becoming whatever you wanted, never once did I ever think I wouldn’t be healthy. To the naked eye, I still have that ability. I don’t look sick, I’m not dying, I can still care for myself and others, so there must not be anything wrong? What some people don’t understand is that it’s not about what’s on the outside that counts… I fight a battle within myself each and every day, and I continue to do it as a choice. We were given this life because we were strong enough to handle it. That is something that has taken me years to understand and accept, but now that I have I am a better and stronger person for it. Everyday is a battle, but I’m not ready to give up yet. I’m still fighting for answers and it feels great!

More to my story to follow…
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