Gina Szajnuk’s Google Gmail account was HACKED. PLEASE do not open the “PrivateDoc.” Rare and Life is Not Fair x3

September 29, 2015 6:00 pm No Comments 4

Gina Szajnuk: I am not saying, “Poor Me.“I’m not saying that at all!

I’m actually to the point of saying, “Bring it on. Keep it coming.”

And, as a friend recently said, “God only gives you what you can handle.”

I just feel bad for using the RUN platform recently to vent about our violating experiences. RUN is supposed to be about our rare and undiagnosed families. Not my venting sessions. Please send me more blogs to post. I know I have asked a lot of you to share your stories. I need them more than ever! They keep me motivated!  They fuel my fire! They make me work even harder for RUN.  You ALL keep me going! Thank you!

So, I apologize in advance for yet another blog about being violated. I would have kept this one to myself. However, it wasn’t just me. I had over hundred texts, emails and phone calls today regarding a mass email sent from my Gmail account. It actually had my signature on the email and looked authentic. So, this is not only a venting blog…it is an apologize and a warning to every single person I have ever sent an email.

Old Wives Tale Says It Comes In Threes! RARE and LIFE ISN’T FAIR x 3

First, Ava was traumatized by our car getting broken into after the Taylor Swift on September 4th.

Second, Lucy was attacked by a dog on September 24th.

Third, my Google Gmail account was hacked today.

This is a huge learning experience for me. I send private documents through Dropbox as well as through Google Docs all the time. My new suggestion is to do exactly what over 100 people did to me today. They confirmed the document with me before they opened it. And, sorry for the people that trusted me so openly and opened it anyway.  Please know how sorry I am for inconveniencing you today!!

I am going to stay positive and pray that the unlucky and violating streak is over!  And, this means that ONLY GOOD things are ahead. Let’s all pray for FUNDING for RUN! Please know that I’m praying hard and working on my business plan as well as a video to start to solicit funds. This is a call out to anyone that wants to help solict for funds for RUN. I could definitely use the help!

Much love,



From: Gina Szajnuk <>
Subject: PrivateDoc
Date: September 29, 2015 at 12:00:59 PM CDT
To: undisclosed-recipients:;


I have created a secured shared document using Google Doc

To access this document, please click PrivateDoc link below and for security reasons, you have to log on with your email to view it, its very important.


Thank You

Gina Szajnuk
Co-founder and Executive Director
Rare and Undiagnosed Network (RUN)