Goodbye 2014!

December 31, 2014 5:51 pm No Comments 0

As I sit at my computer on New Year’s Eve, I realize that I am ready for 2014 to end. Goodbye! See ya! Not looking back. No way.

I am ready for 2015! I am ready for answers in 2015! I am ready for answers for myself, for Ava, for Oskar and for Lucy!!

I am not going to let another year go by living in the world of the unknown and undiagnosed. Nope. Not going to happen. We have been living in the world of the unknown since 2011. I know it is not as long as other families have suffered through living undiagnosed. I have met families that have been in a diagnostic odyssey for over 18 years, 24 years, etc. It is not fair. It is not right. It needs to change.

I will say that I am very thankful for the progress we did make in 2014. I met so many wonderful people this past year. I feel very blessed to have met other families going through similar experiences. The bond that is created is instant and it is so very meaningful. Thank you to my rare and undiagnosed friends and other advocates working alongside me to raise awareness for the rare and undiagnosed children.

I am thankful for the doctors and the hospitals that are trying to find answers. Thank you all for trying to treat our symptoms and for continuing this journey with us. We hope that you will continue to treat us and that you will continue to think outside the box.

Thank you to the two hospitals that are doing our whole exome sequencing right now. We appreciate it more than you will ever know. Thank you both for taking us on as a family.

Thank you, Dr. Reid Robison, for giving me the platform and for making RUN a reality. Thank you, my friend.

Thank you to our families and friends. Thank you for listening. Thank you for your love and support. Most of all…thank you for your continued prayers. We need them and we love you all.

Thank you Justin, my husband and my best friend. Thank you for supporting RUN and all of my time and energy spent on trying to find answers for our three children. I love you with all of my heart.

Lastly, thank you Ava, Oskar and Lucy. You are three of the strongest children I have even met. I admire your bravery in every single doctor appointment. I admire your sense of humor in the midst of painful episodes. I admire you for your commitment to fun on days that are just not fun. You give me the strength to continue on. Thank you. I love you to the moon and back again.