Isabelle was born on St Patrick’s Day 2008. We call her the luckiest girl in the world. She came home on monitors because no one knew why her older brother still forgot to breathe at 5 1/2 years old and everyone wanted to make sure she didn’t have the same thing. As we were walking from the hospital room to the door of the hospital she stopped breathing 4 times. It turns out we make our kids cute but defective.
Isabelle had the advantage of her brother going through all of this before her. They are the biggest support to each other because as far as everyone can tell they are the only 2 known to have this condition. Luckily they can be a strength to each other when no one else knows what they are going through.
She is no stranger to doctors, tests and hospitals but she still lives life to the fullest.
She has an undiagnosed genetic condition with sub diagnoses of EDS (Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome, a connective tissue disorder which causes all joints to be loose and dislocate as well as affecting blood vessels, GI tract and everything with collagen), Dysautonomia (Dysfunction of the autonomic nervous system, or in other words everything we don’t think about doing her body doesn’t do right), MCAD (Mast Cell Activation Disorder, over active mast cells that cause allergic reactions to things even if she isn’t allergic to them), asthma, bradycardia, tachycardia, migraines, fainting, carpal tunnel syndrome, cubical tunnel syndrome, neuropathy and a myriad of other things.
Photo by Season Atwater, Aware of Angels
Despite all of this she loves dancing and was a buffoon in The Nutcracker this past November.
She also marched the whole Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade carrying extra oxygen for her brother.
Otters are her very favorite animal, she dreams of swimming with them.
She has fallen in love with traveling and wants to go everywhere.
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Learn more about her brother Michael George