Kate Nielson shares about Rachel’s day with her family. A day without doctors.

November 22, 2015 6:55 pm 1 Comment 8

Kate Nielson: Rachel had a great day being with family and friends at her brother, Nicholas’, wedding yesterday. She looked beautiful and enjoyed being out of the hospital.  She hasn’t been that energetic since entering the hospital three weeks ago. She didn’t like having to go back after the temple and pictures. One good thing was she had a different PT person today who listened to her and let her do things at her own pace.

IMG_0859The reception went well and she tried to catch the bouquet when Jessica threw it. She took lots of pictures and everyone was so happy to see her.

Today, she will be able to see Mocking Jay part 2. A reward she received for working hard. She is tired and hopes for sleep tonight.


A few of the comments made yesterday.

“She needs to be home. She better be home on Thursday. So sorry she is having to go through this. They shouldn’t have taken all her support away.”  – Cousin Melanie

IMG_0856“I’m not happy because I have to go back.” – Rachel

IMG_0857“She would be better off coming home and not going back.” -Heather sister

“You need to use your voice and be aggressive and tell them you hurt and aren’t going to do those things.” – Grandma Michaelis

“Rachel looks good and beautiful as ever along with you and her sister! Have a wonderful day❣❣❣” – Jennifer Summers

“So glad Rachel could be at the temple with us. Wish she could’ve stayed for everything. She looks so happy and good.” – Jessica

“Rachel looks good. You wouldn’t know she wasn’t healthy looking at her happy face. She needs to be out.” – Aunt Keri and cousin McCall.IMG_0847