Rachel Nielson’s Update: No surgery last week

January 2, 2016 6:27 pm 1 Comment 3

So just to clarify with everyone, I did not end up having surgery on Wednesday. There were some miscommunications between my doctor and the surgeon. The surgeon wanted to place my tube laparoscopically (actual surgery) which meant he would have to make four incisions in my stomach- 2 for tools, 1 for the camera, and one for the actual tube. My GI did not like this because it would be a harder recovery. He wanted to do it endoscopically, where they would put a tube down my throat with a camera and tools, get to the section of my intestines they wanted the tube to be in, and then poke up through my abdomen to place the tube. The other problem was if it was done endoscopally it had to be done at the University and if it was done laparoscopically it had to be done at Primary’s. Since this was supposed to be a very quick process and just get into surgery for the tube since I didn’t have an NJ for nutrition there just wasn’t enough time to set the whole thing up. Plus, with it being the holidays, many clinics and offices were closing and doctors were going on vacation so it was and has been difficult to get ahold of everyone. Because of these problems, I had another NJ placed:/

We’re hoping to get everything sorted out next week. My doctor is looking at maybe doing surgery next week at the earliest but I don’t want to say anything is set in stone because it’s not. Sorry for all the confusion!! Thank you so much to everyone for all the sweet messages! It was so nice of you guys to think of me!♥ Thanks for sticking it out with me through all of this craziness!???