RARE Teen Photo Project Sponsored by Aware of Angels, RUN and Utah Rare!

December 11, 2015 9:57 pm No Comments 7

Season Atwater, Aware of Angels, will be the photographer of an extremely special project. We are looking for 10 RARE teenagers, between the ages of 13 years old and 18 years old. If you are a RARE or UNDIAGNOSED teenager, boy or girl, please ask your parents for permission to email a photo as well as a summary about yourself to Gina Szajnuk at gina@rareundiagnosed.org and Season Atwater at seasonatwater@gmail.com.  Please include both of us on your submission. Please include at least one of your parents’ email on your submission as well.We would love to hear about your journey living with a rare disease or living through a diagnostic odyssey. Please limit your journey to 1000 words. ( If your RARE teenager is not able to write their journey, we welcome the parents to share their journey.)

We are also looking for make-up artists, hair stylists and clothing vendors for a special collaboration. 3 local nonprofits are organizing a special photo project to raise awareness for rare and undiagnosed diseases. This project begins with a photo shoot for 10 of our local amazing RARE teens! January 23, 2016 at the Charcoal Loft in SLC. We want these boys and girls to have an amazing day! We are looking for artists to do make up and hair as well as clothing vendors to make this day special for them. If your interested please email inquiries to seasonatwater@gmail.com  donations and your time is appreciated but we want your pricing as well! Referrals appreciated -Thank you! – Season


Aware of Angels
