RareArtist.org: Please vote for Ava Szajnuk’s drawing!

November 21, 2015 5:40 pm No Comments 9

Link to RareArtist.org  “Ava’s View” by Ava Szajnuk, 8 yrs old.  This drawing was when I was 6 years old and in the hospital for weeks. I was looking out the window and I saw a rainbow. I remember the walls were so white and the rainbow was so full of colors. I had an external drain coming out of my head. I had four cranial brain surgeries for a subdural hygroma and an arachnoid cyst. I am now shunt dependent. I was dreaming about swimming with dolphins. I remember this moment like it was yesterday. Rare affects me, my brother, my sister and my mom. Please vote for me. I would love an opportunity to travel to Washington D.C. to help raise awareness for all rare diseases.” Rare Diseases: Autonomic Neuropathy, Small Fiber Polyneuropathy, Undiagnosed Genetic Dysfunction, EOE, Shunt Dependent (It is listed under Gina Zanik. Please scroll down to the bottom to see her drawing.)

The EveryLife Art Contest was established to exhibit the unique gifts of individuals affected by rare diseases and to promote the expression of their stories through art.


The Gallery is intended to showcase the artwork and the Artist, in order to raise awareness about rare diseases and showcase our vibrant community.

Art is the expressive medium used to capture the trials and triumphs of our human existence. For rare disease patients, life can be a day-to-day struggle wrought by a devastating disease and unanswerable questions. Art as an expression of these challenges in life and in living each day, can be a particularly powerful medium to guide all of us, in our struggles and successes. Artists affected by rare disease communicate their pain, frustration, optimism and joy, and through their work we can learn more about ourselves.

http://www.rareartist.org/, established in 2010, is an online gallery dedicated to artists affected by a rare disease. RareArtist.org creates a permanent, free, virtual space where “rare artists” can express themselves and create a platform for public viewing.

At RareArtist.org you can view exceptional works from artists of all ages. We welcome anyone whose life is touched by a rare disease– you, a family member, someone you care for – to upload your own art and share your story. We encourage the rare disease community to continue to contribute their work to the site to grow the collection.

Enter your artwork and vote for your favorites!
Our new contest software allows entrants to enter one piece, so please select your best submission.  There will be two award recipients for the Children’s category:

  • One chosen by popular vote
  • One chosen by a panel of rare disease community leaders

Award recipients in the Children’s category will receive a $100 Visa Check Card

When submitting your artwork, please include the following information in the field marked “Image Description”:

  • Title of the piece
  • Your age
  • Rare disease name, and whether it affects you or a loved one

Entries that do not contain this information will not qualify for the contest.

Participants are allowed to vote once every 10 days.

For additional information on contest rules, please visitwww.rareartist.org/contest