Stephanie Valdez: “Good evening, I just wanted to give an update on Harlie….
It’s been a busy week for her! She’s been working hard in therapy and it’s showing😊 She walked all the way from the gym to her room and stood on her own for a minute. There was a time when we had to wake up 6 times a night just to help her roll and turn her head for her. God is working miracles with Harlie. The casting didn’t bring her feet down like they had hoped, so if braces don’t work she will have to have to do surgery on them in the future.
Medically, she is still having big treatments on Mondays.
She had a pulmonary function test this week to check her lungs to make sure the disease hasn’t effected them. She is still needing oxygen at night because her oxygen levels drop quite a bit when she sleeps.
Her blood levels are still dropping, they are at 7.3. Normal is between 12-16. They are not sure if there’s a slow bleed and they are watching her closely. The true test to see if treatments are controlling the disease will be the MRI she will get this week. We saw good progress back in November and then got a MRI done in January and the disease had worsened from the time we brought her in back in September, so I am praying for good results this time.
I’m so grateful to the wonderful doctors. They put Harlie in for Make-A-Wish and she received a key to go to the wishing tower tomorrow and declare her wish😊
We are eternally grateful to all of you that have not given up on Harlie and continue to support and pray for her.
Thank you so much Webster family for racing for Harlie and congrats on the win!
Hope to see you all at the 5k event June 13th!”
Link: Children and the Earth 7th Annual Ride The Brainwave 5k, motorcycle Rally, and concert series