Rare Genomics Institute is inviting patients in need of genetic sequencing to join the Amplify Hope Initiative, a new study to help undiagnosed rare disease patients raise funds for sequencing and investigate crowdfunding strategies and their impact on community engagement.
Study participants are being recruited starting in May of 2015. To participate, complete the applicationform. Participants will be assigned to a crowdfunding strategy and platform to raise money for their sequencing.
- Approximately 50 families will be randomly assigned to a crowdfunding strategy and platform to raise money for their DNA sequencing.
- Each campaign will have the same target crowdfunding goal amount as well as 30 days to raise the funds online
- After the goal is reached, funds will be transferred and exome sequencing starts
- Any additional funds raised will be used to help other undiagnosed children in need of sequencing
- Surveys will be sent to measure impact before, during and after the campaign. Answers to survey questions are anonymous.
Rare Genomics is an international non-profit that provides access to cutting edge research technologies, physicians, and scientists across the globe. By providing an expert network and an online crowdfunding mechanism, Rare Genomics helps families pursue personalized research projects for diseases not otherwise studied.
We bring together scientists who share our passion for helping rare disease patients and leverage the crowdfunding capabilities of the internet to bring the hope of a cure to our patients. Rare Genomics has been at the forefront of connecting families to genetic sequencing technology.
Help Us Inspire and Amplify Hope — Join Rare Genomics and our partners as we support these RARE campaigns. Tell your friends to donate and spread the word!