MyGene2 and RUN partnership. Please vote today!

January 5, 2017 12:12 pm No Comments 4

Please take the time to vote for MyGene2 in the Open Science Prize!!  Your vote matters! They are breaking down the silos! They are RUN’s dream! They will publicly share your data! They will give you a public report! You can search within MyGene2 and find another family! They are paving the way for all of us! The key is sharing data!! Please vote today! It takes two minutes! Thank you for helping RUN’s dream come true!
Vote for the Open Science Prize has begun and MyGene2 is a semi-finalist. The judges will only review the applications of the three sites sites that get the most votes, so we’re focusing on trying to get out the vote among the rare disease and human genetics communities. This is a way for families, researchers, and clinicians to directly influence the decision of funding agencies to support programs that benefit families with rare disease, rare disease research and open data sharing.
To make things easy to retweet/share/forward, we created an email campaign message (forwarded below) and links to our Twitter and Facebook posts.
This is the Twitter post:
This is the MyGene2 Facebook page and the 2nd one is the FB post that includes our video:

We need your vote

MyGene2 is a free, family-friendly platform for families with rare diseases, clinicians, and researchers to publicly share health and genetic data to facilitate gene discovery and understanding genotype-phenotype relationships.

MyGene2 is a semifinalist for the Open Science Prize, an award of $230,000 that will be given to one of three projects with the most votes. Help us win the Open Science Prize so we can make MyGene2 even better! Voting ends January 6, so please vote as soon as possible!

New features

Since the launch of MyGene2 in April, over 500 profiles have been created by families, researchers, and clinicians. We’ve also added many new features like automated reporting of discoveries and real-time match notifications. Take a look at our new video that describes our goals.

But we’re just getting started and we’ve got many more improvements for families planned if we receive additional funding, so don’t forget to vote!

Let us know if you have ideas about how to make MyGene2 even better. We’re committed to open data sharing, making discoveries faster, and helping families find a diagnosis and understand what to expect once a diagnosis is made.
